Jan 9, 2010

Seharian bersama Dr. Atkin

Day 5...

Breakfast : Chunky tuna, Parmesan cheese powder, broccoli + mineral water

Lunch : Vege soup (broccoli, poached egg, cherry tomatoes, chicken chunks, anchovies) + mineral water

Snacks : cherry tomatoes

Dinner : Chunk tuna, mayonnaise, scramble eggs (mix it up and wrap with coral lettuce) + mineral water.

5 hari mengamalkan Atkins diet. Bukan sesuatu yang mudah. You have to endure the starves. Say no to carbohydrates. So far, it does show a good progression. I lost 2kgs since i start low carb diet 5 days ago. Impressive kan? My goal? To lose another 10kgs. And it's not an impossible thing to be done. Work hard for it. By the end of the year, i should achieve my goal.

hurm.... there goes my azam yang tak nak fikir pasal azam. damn... =_="

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