Jan 19, 2010

Butter prawn scramble eggs


Kedengaran seperti mengiurkan tak? Hari ni malas sungguh nak masak tapi kena juga masak kalau tak nanti lapar. Resipi ni rasa-rasanya ciptaan sendiri. Mula-mula nak wat Butter Prawn tapi macam tak jadi je. Last-last, campak telur makanya jadilah scramble eggs. hahaha

Ingredients A
10 shrimps
3 cloves of garlic (chop very finely)
pinch of salt
pinch of black peppers
few drops of non MSG seasoning sauce
4tbs of lime juice

2 eggs
3tbs of butter

marinate the shrimps with Ingredients A. Leave it aside. Then melt the butter in frying pan. Fry the marinated shrimps in the melted butter till the shrimps turn a bit red. Crack in the eggs and scramble it well. Ready to serve!

Make: 1 Servings
Carbs: 9.4 grams (approximately but < 10 g)
Protein: 30.5 grams
Calories: 246

This recipe is suitable for Atkins Dieters. Enough to make you feel stuffed and delicious as well. Kalau nak wangi lagi, sila letak daun limau. Serious, marvelous. Bagi resipi siap dengan maths dia lagi. Cubalah. Dah siap-siap kira tu. Ingat senang? huh =_="

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