Aug 30, 2009

Shaping Up!

Hey fellas.

Right now i'm busy with shaping up my figure. Harder than i thought. Really looking forward for gym thing cause i think i'm addicted to jog. lol. Ok, jogging doesn't help that much for shaping up (but really good for cardiac) Cardio dance and pilates is my new hobby *lmao*

few past months, I was suffering from Eating Dissorder (and that's bad for your health and body) I felt guilty when I swallow my food so I purge it out (sick and gross ait?) yes I'm loosing weight (a bit) but not the fat. shit! still got the fats inside. The best way is, WORKOUT!

So fellas, wish me luck for my new mission. I'm want to make a come back as a new healthy me! hikhikhik

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